the soul has a tough heart

Carrie Leigh, photographer

the soul has a tough heart
lyrical, loving, yes
but more

the soul is unknowing in its hunger
some secret song without an agnus
with a list of  hungers beyond mercy

that heart is known and unknown
to the mind, the soul-mirror
the words, the songs
or the soul's singer

the tough soul, the survivor
beyond flesh
and sex
and time

i, yes, i
release myself
from feckless words
that veil flesh and pure nakedness

i now i
lift my veil
flesh beyond time

release shed the veil
my breasts, 
my nipples and loins,
my quiver of legs and hair,
released !
from white cloth draping
and classical aping,

i, yes, i
will scrape the shaman's skin
of his mythic filigree
i know
my tough soul
is what he
desires from me

i release myself then
to the hot heaven
of my own desire

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